Price increases on 2/20 at 5pm PST to $297

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Board Fundraising Bootcamp
2-Day Fundraising & Ambassador Training for Nonprofit Board Members and EDs to get in sync as a fundraising team

Feb 25 and 27, 2025 10-11am PST both days

Ideal for nonprofits with some existing individual giving and goals to grow major gifts revenue in the next 6 months. Board members at all levels and fundraising backgrounds welcome.

In this 2-day bootcamp, we will cover:

  • Identify your unique strengths and expertise you bring as a board member and where that intersects with your organization’s needs 
  • Learn actionable ways you can be helpful to your ED in fundraising efforts (hint: it’s more than giving them ideas they can do)
  •  Overcome mindset mistakes you may be making and what to do instead
  •  Learn how to work together as a Board and ED/ staff team

You’ll get access to all recordings, slide decks and the Board Plan Template to make your own.

Plus, Board Commitment Template Document for EDs and Board Chairs to use (and make their own) to elevate commitment across the board and clearly communicate expectations.

You’ll walk away with a clear plan of action items you can take right away to support the growth of your organization’s mission and impact that make sense for your unique strengths and availability.

Your ED will feel supported in fundraising and have a plan for how to support you and hold you accountable.

$197 per person

EDs are invited to attend and Board members of all levels of fundraising experience. Must be motivated to take action and change ways of thinking or operating as a board.

Early bird rate ends 2/20 at 5pm PST - price will go up to $247 per person

Board Fundraising Bootcamp$197

  • Total payment
  • 1xBoard Fundraising Bootcamp$197

All prices in USD
